About Me


Jennifer Livengood, Owner

Head Aerial Instructor, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor

Hey Everyone! I’m Jen. I call the beautiful Pacific Northwest my native home, love a million things about life and I am a huge believer in exploring and pursuing my passions, which are many.

I was born in Idaho and raised mostly in the Portland, Oregon area. I’ve always loved the outdoors, especially when its sunny. I spend as much time as I can outside on my small farm acreage in the outskirts of town.

I grew up as a dancer and chose nutrition as a career in hopes that I might help dancers and athletes eat healthy and have a positive body image. As I got my career started in nutrition as a Registered Dietitian I quickly realized healthcare wasn’t quite what I’d hoped for. I was disappointed in the lack of a holistic approach to health and felt the industry was overrun by pushing paper and checking boxes. I’ve always been an entrepreneur at heart so I switched lanes, co-founded a non-profit aerial arts dance company and worked most of my adult life building this grass roots organization from the ground up.

As life has evolved and brought me closer to home to raise a family and manage our property I have now found myself in the perfect place to revive my nutrition career and offer a variety of education to anyone interested. I love building new relationships, connecting on a deep level and helping others to live their life to the fullest.

Meanwhile, I’ve turned my 4 acres into a farm and I’m using part of my barn to offer aerial fitness and skills classes and homesteading workshops. I'm obsessed with running, have 2 competitive gymnast kids (one boy, one girl) at home and one step-daughter all grown and I'm married to my high-school sweetheart who I love like crazy. I love Jesus and live by faith and not fear. We have 2 vizsla pups and a bunch of cats! I also love a nice glass of wine, eat low-carb and use oils daily for every ailment in life.